Clinical Massage Therapist
quick jobs Approved for Veterans Education Benefits

Become a clinical massage therapist at MTC, and find yourself working in a variety of healthcare settings, spas, or health clubs, or you can open your own practice one day. The Clinical Massage Therapist Certificate is a 10-month, 600 contact-hour continuing education program that prepares students to sit for the national licensing exam. Then students can apply to the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation for state licensure. Call 803.732.5218 to schedule an interview. As a clinical massage therapist, learn how to apply massage techniques to treat soft tissue injuries, chronic pain and myofascial injury, and structural and postural distortions. Therapists who can identify and treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions (tonus system) using postural evaluation, assessment, muscle testing, and hands-on palpatory skills are growing in demand throughout mainstream medicine. As this profession advances to include assessment and treatment of most soft tissue injuries, clinical massage therapists are becoming more crucial to physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, and athletic trainers. Incorporating massage techniques for specific anatomical and physiological considerations with knowledge of basic musculoskeletal evaluation, assessment, and client education can produce positive results in musculoskeletal healthcare.

Course NameCostHours
Take 1 of the following
Clinical Massage Therapy$7995600
Clinical Massage Therapy$9995650
Estimated program cost between $7,995 and $9,995

See current class schedule for all program classes

The cost of books and materials may not be included in this estimate. Check the 'Materials list' hyper link on the class search results page for details on each course.