Sterile Processing Technician
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This program teaches students to prepare instruments/packages for processing, decontamination, ultrasonic clearner disinfection, sterilizations, and distribution in the hospital or surgery setting. Sterile Processing technicians are responsible for processing surgical instruments, supplies, and equipment. Serving in settings ranging from hospitals to ambulatory surgery centers, central service technicians provide support to patient services. Central Service Department tasks include decontaminating, cleaning, processing, assembling, sterilizing, storing, and distributing the medical devices and supplies needed for patient care. The Central Service Department of a health care facility is the heart of all activity surrounding instruments, supplies, and equipment required for operating rooms, endoscopy suites, intensive care units, birth centers, clinics, emergency departments and other patient care areas. Sterile Processing technicians play a most important role in patient care arenas and are responsible for first-line processes to prevent patient infections.

Course NameCostHours
Take all of the following
Anatomy and Physiology$69948
Medical Terminology$69948
Sterile Processing Technology $99548
Estimated program cost: $ 2,393

See current class schedule for all program classes

The cost of books and materials may not be included in this estimate. Check the 'Materials list' hyper link on the class search results page for details on each course.