Materials List for Course: CESAF-695-06

StatusMaterials InformationPrice Estimate
RequiredCESAF 695 Carpentry and Building Construction, Feirer, Hutchings, and Feirer, Student Edition, , Glencoe-McGraw-Hill, 9780131636125
Student is responsible for ordering and purchasing their own book.
RequiredCESAF 695 OSHA Construction Safety Essentials Quick Card, Builder's Book Inc, , ,, 97816227011018
Student is responsible for ordering and purchasing their own book.
RequiredCESAF 695 Safety Orientation Participants Guide, NCCER Pearson Education Inc, 2, , Pearson, 9780131636125
Student is responsible for ordering and purchasing their own book.


Total Required Materials: 148.75
Total Materials: 148.75