Materials List for Course: CEMED-617-03I

StatusMaterials InformationPrice Estimate
RequiredCEMED 617 Required, CE, , , , CEMED 617 Required
Midland's Technical College, the MTC CNA Department and View
Point Services have created a simple process to order:
. Criminal Background Screening
. Drug Test
. Document Storage System- to retain all immunization records, health
documents, etc. (Hep. B titer or vaccine, MMR titer or vaccine,
Varicella (Chickenpox) titer or vaccine, Flu & Covid Vaccine, Tetanus
(Tdap), and 2-step TB (this means a total of 2 injections at least a
week apart)) Prices varies
. HIPPA and Blood Pathogen Training

Gray scrubs and closed toe white shoes (no crocs w/holes) must be
worn during class and clinical rotations.
Estimated total cost for scrubs, shoes, and phlebotomy jacket is $100.

If you are a Quickjobs scholarship student, all materials costs
associated with this class are covered under the scholarship award. For
more informtion in how you may qualify for a Quickjobs scholarship,
please visit

Additionally, an immunization record is required in order to attend
clinicals as part of the class. Records can be obtained from South
Carolina DHEC at


Total Required Materials: 500.00
Total Materials: 500.00